
Car Importing

Importing a Car?
Need help clearing customs?
Not sure where to start?
Save Time & Money on Importing your Car!

Car Importing

Freight Forwarding

Freight Forwarding?
Need Help Clearing Customs?
Save Time & Money when Freight Forwarding!

freight forwarding

Get a FREE no obligation quote today!

Let us help you sail clear through customs so you can earn money quicker.

NO HASSLE – After 30 years in the business, Chris from CW Customs knows all the tricks of the trade. So you just leave it to us & we’ll get your freight through.

LOW COST – With current transport costs, the last thing you need is unnecessary expense. CW Customs runs a tight ship to keep our fees low.

NO NASTY SURPRISES – Find out exactly what you’re in for from the start when Freight Forwarding.

Let us know the details of the Car below and we’ll give you a free quote on Freight Forwarding. And we’ll tell you exactly what costs you’d be looking at.

Call Chris the Customs Broker today!

Phone: 09 418 1758

Mobile: 027 726 1565

Or simply fill in your info below and click on SEND.